Quote - General Operation

Command Buttons

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Quote - General Operation

Command Buttons

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Open File

When first opening the Quote section, the Open button is highlighted for immediate access to the File Selector screen. It is activated with the mouse or the <enter> button.


New Quote

Click the New button to create a new quote and display the Customer Information screen. The program will set the Quote ID to the next available number and record the starting date.



Copy Quote

The Copy button assigns the next available Quote ID number to a copy of the current quote. This is a convenient way to duplicate a quote and then modify and save it under a new ID number.


If the currently open quote has changed since it was last saved, you can save the changes before copying, or move the current changes to the new quote (leaving the original unchanged.) Click the option that is needed.




Select the Assist button with the left mouse button for a description of the current screen.



Select the Feedback button to open a text editor and record comments about the program. These suggestions can be forwarded to AMS for possible incorporation in a future version.


PROD 46x55

Production Control

The Prod button displays the Production Control screen to apply need dates to parts, lock/unlock structures, and submit/recall parts from the Production Suite factory scheduling system.


This button is replaces the Feedback button when the Production Suite factory option is installed.




The Exit button closes the Quote screen and returns to the STACK-IT Main screen.




The Name button selects the Customer Information screen. Use this screen to enter information such as the customer name and address, stack assembly limits, and any price discounts or cost markups that may be applicable.




The Build button selects the Manhole Build screen. Use this screen to enter the manhole parameters designated by the customer, such as hole elevations and types of pipe to use.




The Stack button selects the Manhole Stack screen. Opening the Manhole Stack screen activates the stacking process.




The View button selects the Estimate View screen. This screen allows a check for compliance with customer specifications and a final review of the quote for accuracy and completeness prior to printing.




The Print button selects the Quote Print screen. This screen allows for customizing the printed page appearance and selected information to be included in the printout.




The Save button saves the current quote to disk.


The Save button will become active (turn blue) when changes have been made.




More information

Manhole Build        
Quote Print