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Menu Bar

When the Quote section opens, the menu bar on the left of the screen is displayed with the Name, Stack, and Save buttons disabled (pink).


Each screen selection button is disabled when the screen it selects is active.


Menu Bar


The Date shown above the menu bar reflects the month, day, and year the estimate was created. The current date from the computer clock is used when a new estimate is created.


Quote ID

The Quote ID number shown above the menu bar is the identity of the current quote.


The first six digits represent the year and month of the quote. The next three digits show how many quotes have been created for that year and month.


The last digit is the node number. The node number maintains separation of estimate ID's created by different computers.


When first entering the Quote screen, or when a new quote is opened (clicking the New button), the Customer Information screen opens with the next available Quote ID.


When retrieving a quote from the File Selector screen, the Quote ID changes to show which file was selected.


Structure Count Indicator

Structure Count Indicator

The Structure Count Indicator keeps a running count of the manhole structures in the quote. The number of structures is displayed when new quotes are created or existing quotes are opened from the File Selector.


The bar turns completely yellow when no more structures can be added to the quote.



More information

File Selector