Detail Images on Layouts

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Detail Images on Layouts

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How To

This work-flow describes the process of using Detail Images on Report Layouts.


You can now have images on quote printouts that are a fixed image, e.g. a Logo image, or dynamically changing images to show details for a specific part or for a structure. This new Image page object replaces the older Logo page object.


To prepare for applying images to a report layout, you will need to get (or create) the images you want to use.


Then depending on how you want to use the images, you will do one or more of the following:

Link an image to a Stock part
Link an image to a Relationship
Link the Image page object directly to an image file (this is the same as the old Logo object)




Do this ...

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Create Images

Copy or create the desired images.
oThe image file format must be a bitmap (BMP, JPG, or GIF) or a metafile (WMF ro EMF)
Save the image files in the Configuration Path.



We recommend creating an Images folder in the Configuration Path location and placing the images there. This  keeps things tidy and makes it easier to manage.

Configuration Path

To link an image to a Stock Part

Go to the Stock screen.
Select a part in the Inventory Browser lists at the top of the screen.
In the Specifications panel (scroll down), click the Detail Image specification.
Click the Browse button (the yellow folder icon).
Find and select the desired image to link to the part.


Stock Screen

Detail Image

To link an image to a Relationship

Go to the Relate screen.
Select a relationship in the Relation Browse lists at the top of the screen.
Click the General Options button.
Click Detail Image in the Options list.
Click Browse in the Settings list.
Find and select the desired image to link to the relationship.


Relate Screen

Detail Image



Do this ...

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Edit a report layout

Open a quote job file
Select the desired layout
Select the large "+" button by the layout name
Click Edit



Select Report Layout Configuration
Select Configure Layouts
Select the desired layout
Click Edit


Report Layout Configuration

If needed, add an Image page object

In the Object List, select Image
Use the mouse to click and drag where you want to add the Image object to the layout


Object - Image

Select the Configuration Options

Click on the Image object on the page layout
Click the Image Path configuration option
The next three steps are optional. You will do at least one, and can do two or all three.
oCheck the Stock Image option to use the image linked to the Stock part when printing.
oCheck the Relate Image option to use the image linked to the Relationship when printing.
oClick the Browse button to select a static image to be displayed on the page. (Same as the old Logo object)



1.The Stock Image option can only be checked for Part based page layouts. For all other layout types it is not selectable.
2.The Relate Image option can only be checked for Part and Structure based page layouts. For all other layout types it is not selectable.
3.When more than one option is active, the image to be displayed is determined by the following order.
a.When Stock Image is checked and available, the stock image is used and the others are ignored.
b.When Relate Image is checked and available (the stock image is not), the relate image will be used and the static image is ignored.
c.When a static image is selected and available (the stock and relate images are not), the static image will be used.
d.If any of the above are selected but the image file is not found, the next option in line will be used.
e.If none of the above are selected, the Image page object will be blank.


Config Option - Image Path