
Part Specifications

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Part Specifications

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The Specification entries complete the part definition for use in the Relate and Quotes sections of  STACK-IT.


Only the Replace button is active for changes to the Specification fields.


Click the Replace button to replace the old part definition with the new one.


The Enter (and Shift+Enter) keys can be used to move up and down within the fields on the Specification panel.



Specification Edit Fields

For some Part Styles, the labels on these fields will change to more clearly identify the use of the data.




More information


This is the overall cost of producing the part.



The cost increment applies to the Base Incremental, Base Incremental EL, and Constant Incremental parts only.


For an incremental part of minimum height, the cost of the part is equal to the base cost. For each additional height increment added to the part, the cost increment is added to the base cost.



Steel Cover is the dimension from the inside wall to the Steel (reinforcing bar) center-line.


The Steel Cover is used in calculating the circumference at the center-line of the reinforcing bar and the position of penetration holes shown in the production drawings.


Detail Image

The Detail Image is a link to an image that can be used in an Image page object on report layouts. To create a link to an image file, click the Browse button and select the image file or type in the full path to the image. To clear the link, select the name of the image file and delete it.


Detail Image Browse




The Floor Height field specifies the thickness of the floor for a base part.



The Floor Size field specifies the horizontal size of the floor for a base part.


The shape of the floor may be the same or different from the shape of the vertical portion above the floor.  For example, a 48" round base may have a 72" square floor.

Round to Rect


This is the height of the part. For incremental parts, this field specifies the minimum height for the part.


When the "Allow Slotted Bases" Factory Option is installed, for "Base Slab" parts, height specifies the depth of the slot to receive a riser.



The height increment field applies to Base Incremental, Base Incremental EL, and Constant Incremental parts only. This field specifies the height of one increment for an incremental part.


When an incremental part is used in an estimate, it is checked at each height increment (HeightIncr field) from the minimum height (Height field) to the maximum height (MaxHeight field)



The Maximum Height field applies to Base Incremental parts, Base Incremental EL parts, and Constant Incremental parts only.


This field specifies the maximum height for an incremental part.



The ID field specifies the inside diameter of a pipe.



The Length field specifies the length of the connector.



The MaxPipeOD field applies only to connectors, and specifies the largest pipe that can be accommodated by the connector.


To specify an elliptical dimension, enter the data in the form: Rise x Span. The same rule applies to MinPipeOD, StructureHole, ID, and OD.

MFG Flag

The MFG Flag field enables or disables processing features for parts based on the part's Part Style.


For all Base and Constant part styles, the MFG Flag enables printing a part upside down.


For connector part styles, the MFG Flag enables holes to be placed in the corner of rectangular parts.



The MinPipeOD field applies only to connectors, and specifies the smallest pipe that can be accommodated by the connector.



The OD field specifies the outside diameter of a pipe.



The Precast Height field provides the ability to create a tally of the vertical height of precast parts. Enter a height in the PrecastHeight field for all parts to be included in the precast height tally of a structure.


Precast Height is for user convenience only and is not required for the operation of Stack-It. Since the user can enter any number desired, it is considered to be 'uncontrolled' data.


The default settings for report layouts does not include the Precast Height. To be visible on a quote printout, the "Precast Height" parameter must be selected in the Structure ID page object.

Preference Level

The Preference Level instructs Stack-It to always use your preferred parts, whenever there is a choice.


If you have certain parts that you would like to use as a priority, such as a standard part that you always have on hand or a certain base size that you can make quickly, you can set your preference to reflect that.


Whenever possible, Stack-It will use the part(s) you prefer.


This is the price of the part before any discounts are applied.


The Price Increment applies to the Base Incremental parts, Base Incremental EL parts and the Constant Incremental parts only.


For an incremental part of minimum height, the price of the part is equal to the base price.  For each additional height increment added to the part, the price increment is added to the base price.


Price unit applies to coatings only.


The options are Square Foot, Square Meter, Vertical Foot, and Vertical Meter.


When coatings are applied to the structure, the appropriate dimension is calculated and multiplied by the price of the coating.


The Product Code (ProdCode) field identifies the accounting system and/or production part numbers for the individual components.


The Product Code Increment field applies to Base Incremental parts, Base Incremental EL parts and Constant Incremental parts. The available settings are "Number", "Height", "Height-3", and "TOT-HT-2".


The complete product code (part number) for a specific incremental part is constructed by combining the product code with a suffix generated in one of the four following ways:


The Number setting appends the number of increments required to define the part. For the minimum height part, the suffix would be "1".


If the Height setting is selected, the height of the incremental part (including necessary increments) becomes the suffix, and is a minimum of two numbers long.


The Height-3 setting is similar to the Height setting, except that the suffix will be at least three characters, instead of two.


The TOT-HT-2 option is also similar to the Height setting, in that they are both at least two characters. However, TOT-HT-2 creates the suffix from the part's total height (the height plus the floor height).


The Seam Up determines the shape of the seam at the top of a part as well as the location for measuring the height of the part, e.g., top of seam or bottom of seam. The red lines shown on the display panel indicate the location for measuring the height of the part.


SeamUp - SeamDn


The Seam Dn determines the shape of the seam at the bottom of a part as well as the location for measuring the height of the part, e.g., top of seam or bottom of seam. The red lines shown on the display panel indicate the location for measuring the height of the part.


The Size Up tells STACK-IT the size at the top of the part. This size is used to determine what other parts will properly match the top of the current part.

Size Up - Size Dn


The SizeDn tells STACK-IT the size at the bottom of the part. This size is used to determine what other parts will properly match the bottom of the current part.


The Step Count field specifies the number of steps in the part. Specify a step count only when the number of steps in the part is always the same.


To use the automatic step count capability of STACK-IT, the step count field must be set to "-1".


The StructureHole field also applies only to connectors, and specifies the size of the hole required in the structure to accept the connector.

Top Thickness

The Top Thickness field specifies the thickness of the top of a box top part.


Wall Thickness is the dimension from the inside wall to the outside wall of the component.


The Wall Thickness is used in calculating the circumference of the outside of the component, the position of penetration holes shown in the production drawings and the volume of material removed for hole penetrations.


This is the part weight. For concrete parts, this is the weight of the part before hole penetrations have been deducted.


The weight increment applies to the Base Incremental, Base Incremental EL, and Constant Incremental parts only.


For any incremental part of a minimum height, the weight of the part is equal to the base weight.  For each additional height increment (of height) added to the part, the weight increment is added to the base weight.