
Part Identification

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Part Identification

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Identification Panel

The entries in the four Identification fields control the information displayed in the Inventory Browser lists.


When identification entries are changed and the Replace or Add button has been clicked, the new part Identification will be added to the Browser lists.


Some part styles do not require all four Identification fields.


Part Style

The Part Style controls how parts are used and displayed. To see the different Styles available, click on the pull-down list.


The available Part Styles are under program control. Additional part styles require programming by AMS.



Enter the Size for the diameter or rectangular dimensions of the stock piece.



Enter the Component name. This name will be used throughout the program and on the customer's printed estimate.


Catalog ID

Catalog ID is used to distinguish variations of a component. For concrete parts, this is usually the overall catalog height of the part. For other parts, such as connectors, this is typically the manufacturer's part number.