Contractor List

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Contractor List

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Quote-Name screen Contractor List header only 1-22-24


The Contractor List panel provides the ability to maintain a list of contractors, enhancing consistency in the contractor names assigned to jobs.


Click the "Select" link on the Customer Information panel to open the Contractor List, where you can choose a contractor name and apply it to the job. 

Quote-Name screen Select button 1-22-24


If the job already has a contractor name and that name is already in the list, when you open the Contractor List panel the name will be highlighted in the list.


Use the filter at the top of the screen to find the name you're looking for. Type any part of the name, and the list is immediately reduced to show you the matching names.

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Quote-Name screen Contractor list w data 1-22-24


The screen also has controls to manage the list, such as adding or removing names.


Main Buttons


Click OK to accept the name you have selected in the list and use it as the contractor name in the job.

You can also perform the same operation by simply double-clicking on the name.


Click Cancel to return to the Quote screen without making any changes in the contractor name that appears in the Quote file.


Click Add to display the Add Contractor dialog box for entering the name you wish to add to the Contractor List. 


Helpful Hint: If a contractor name is already in the Quote screen, as soon as you enter the Contractor List screen that name should be highlighted. If it isn't, click the Add button and the current name will be in the Add dialog box, making it easy to add the name to the list.


Click Paste to retrieve a list of names from the clipboard and add them to the Contractor List.

The names can be copied from a text file or a column of names in an Excel worksheet. When copying the names, each name should be on a separate line.


Click Delete to remove the selected name from the list. This will only delete one name at a time.

A dialog box is displayed to confirm that you want to delete that name from the list. This operation cannot be undone. 


Click Clear to remove all names from the list.

A dialog box is displayed to confirm that you want to completely clear the list. This operation cannot be undone.