Quote - Detail Build

Ancillary Parts

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Quote - Detail Build

Ancillary Parts

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30x130 AncillaryThe Ancillary Parts panel is where Ancillary Structure parts are added to the structure.



Ancillary Parts Panel


When this panel is opened, any Ancillary Structure parts defined on the Stock screen will be displayed in the Available Parts list.


Use the Add Part and Remove Part buttons to add or remove parts from the Included Parts list. A single ancillary part can be included multiple times in a structure.


Parts to attached to the structure will appear in the Included Parts list. Clicking an included part displays the details for that part in the edit grid below the Included Parts list for review or editing. The part details can be edited as required for the specific circumstances.


Parts added or removed using this panel are processed when the structure is stacked and displayed in the list of materials for the structure.