Note Libraries

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Note Libraries

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Note Snippet Libraries are used to quickly append frequently used text to either Job Notes or Structure Notes. Several snippets can be added to a structure note to build up custom combinations to suit any particular circumstance.


The Job Note Snippet Library is accessible on the Name screen by clicking the Cover or Page 2 buttons. The Structure Note Library is accessible on the Detail Build and Quick Build screens by clicking on the Notes button.


The detailed panel operations for the Job Notes Library and Structure Notes Libraries are the same.


Creating Snippets

Create snippets and save them in the Note Snippet Library in three steps.


1. Type the snippet text into the note area or open an existing note.


2. To save a portion of the text as a snippet, highlight the desired text. If none of the text is highlighted, all of the text will be used to create a snippet.


3. Click the Create Snippet button.


4. Enter the title for the snippet. The new snippet’s title will be displayed in the Note Snippets list.


Add to NoteThe Add to Note button adds the selected snippet to the current job note.



Create SnippetThe Create Snippet button saves the text displayed in the note area as a snippet.



Delete SnippetThe Delete Snippet button clears the selected snippet from the Note Snippet Library.