Floor Reference

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Floor Reference

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When this option is installed, Floor Reference will appear in the General Options panel for relationships.


The Floor Reference option determines how STACK-IT positions the floor. The three settings are Hole, Pipe (Int) and Pipe (Ext).


Select the desired setting on the Relate screen by clicking the General Options button. In the General Options panel, select Floor Reference and the appropriate setting.


Selecting the Hole setting will cause the top of the floor to be positioned flush with the bottom of the lowest hole cutout. This is the standard method of positioning the floor when this Factory Option is not installed.


Selecting the Pipe (Int) setting will cause the hole to be positioned so the flow line of the low pipe to be flush with the floor. This means the hole cutout will extend below the top of the floor.


Selecting the Pipe (Ext) setting will cause the low hole to be positioned so the outside of the pipe wall is flush with the floor. This means the hole cutout will extend below the top of the floor.


Setting the Floor Reference to Pipe (Int) or Pipe (Ext) will prompt STACK-IT to set the Catch Reference to Pipe as well. Otherwise it would be possible for the catch depth to be less than zero.


Floor Reference illustration