User Setup Options

Connector Kits

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User Setup Options

Connector Kits

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The Connector Kit Setup screen allows the creation of kits of ancillary parts that can be optionally included with selected connectors.


Connector Kit Setup screen


72x25 NewNew

The New button will prompt you for the name to assign to the kit to be created.


72x25 CopyCopy

The Copy button will copy the current kit and prompt you for the new name.


72x25 DeleteDelete

The Delete button will erase the currently selected kit.


Connectors Panel

Connector Kit Setup - Connectors panel

The Connectors list is used to specify which connectors are compatible with the current kit.


Check the box next to each connector for which this kit should be available.


The Show Active Connectors box filters the list to show only the connectors that have been selected.


Connector Kit Setup screen - Ancillary Parts panel

Ancillary Connector Parts Panel

If any Ancillary Connector parts have been created in Stock, they will appear in the Available Parts list.


To add a part to the kit, select it in the Available Parts list and then click the Add button. This will add it to the Included Parts grid, and a green indicator will appear next to the name to show that the part is valid.


If there are parts in the kit that are no longer defined in Stock, they will have a red indicator next to their name in the Include Parts list.


To remove a part from the kit, select it in the Included Parts list and click the Remove button. Removing a part from a kit definition does not remove that part from the Stock screen.