Questions about STACK-IT? We have answers.

What training is available?

We offer of variety of approaches to training. However, in the last couple of years we have delivered all customer training with our Internet Training Service. This approach is far superior to any other method of training delivery.

Can I get quote data from STACK-IT into my other systems?

Stack-It has the ability to generate CSV files containing data from a Stack-It quote. There are a number of options to configure the creation of the export file. Once the exporting process is configured, the exported files are automatically created whenever a quote is saved. Because the process is automatic, it is referred to as File Mirroring.

Can I update my STACK-IT price information from my other systems?

STACK-IT provides an import function that gives you the ability to update prices and other information using a CSV file.

How can I change the unit of measure for different data items?

There are several aspects to to the process of managing measurements produced by STACK-IT. The area that creates the most questions is the area of Units of Measure.

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Can STACK-IT adjust the hole locations for "percent of grade"?

The effect of slope (percent of grade) through a structure can be automatically calculated by STACK-IT.

When the invert elevation is specified for the centerline of the structure and the slope is specified as percent of grade, STACK-IT will determine the correct amount to shift hole locations. This takes into account the distance from the center of the structure to the wall and the slope of the grade.

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Can I print base drawings upside-down?

Producers that pour bases upside down and flip them over after the pour need the ability to print shop drawings where the base parts are upside down (inverted) and the remaining parts are printed right side up (normal).

STACK-IT provides the capability of creating shop drawings that meet this need.

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