
Submitting Feedback

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Submitting Feedback

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User feedback is stored under the file name STACKIT.TXT.


This file can be printed and sent to the AMS programmers at AMS, PO Box 3611, Federal Way, WA 98063-3611.


All suggestions become the property of AMS, Inc.


E-mail STACK-IT Feedback

After you have entered your comments in the feedback feature of STACK-IT, you may e-mail the STACK-IT Feedback file direct to AMS.


1. Start your e-mail program.


2. Create an e-mail message addressed to:

Email final-01

3. In the subject line put 'STACK-IT Feedback'


4. Select the 'attach a file' feature of your e-mail program.


5. Use the file selection window to go to the C:\STACKIT directory. (If you installed STACK-IT into a different directory, select that one now.)


6. Select the file 'STACKIT.TXT'


7. Send the e-mail message.